We scoffed at the weatherman yesterday when he called for several inches of snow in south Puget Sound. The spring flowers are blooming, you crazy man! Easter already happened, it can't snow! The snow started falling at dinner time last night and we awoke to at least 2 inches. Steve decided to take advantage of a rare sledding opportunity. They bundled up and trotted off to the golf course behind our house. Thankfully, Andy was oblivious to the whole adventure and happily played with his cars on the floor. He's developed a charming little habit of smiling and saying, "teeee!" when we take his picture. It's so funny what they learn by watching the rest of us. Well, it's funny as long as it's cute. Not so funny when it's a trait or a word phrase you suddenly wish you hadn't modeled. I'm speaking hypothetically, of course. We definitely needed a snow day. I am so grateful. The snow just brightens everyone's day. It's so beautiful. Furthermore, it forces us all to slow down and savor a change in the routine. The commute is icy and dangerous, so dad is forced to stay home and go sledding. My daily activities are cancelled and we get to enjoy a relaxing morning at home. I was especially glad that Steve got to start his day off on a happy note. Fifty people's positions are being terminated at his company today. This is not a happy day for HR man. Perhaps the sledding adventure will carry him through.
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