Wednesday, December 19, 2007

You Know You Are a Mama When... step out of the shower and find a 3 year old constructing a "big, big, big" tower in your bathroom at 6:45am. Older and wiser women in my life tell me these are the best years because they are little, still want to talk to me (even if I am in the shower) and I usually know where they are at night. I am trying to savor the preschool years, really. But 27 consecutive mornings of seeing Luke long before I see the sun come up is getting a wee bit tiresome. Couldn't our bonding moments begin after it's light outside?
I'm just sayin', is all.


Terada Family said...

Amen to that one!! Hey, look on the bright side, at least you got a shower! :) For me, it doesn't seem to matter when I set my alarm or what time Isaac went to bed, he most often beats me, and I never make it into the shower, making it nearly impossible to get one in before the day is wrapping up again!

Cavanaugh Family said...

So true...this is what we signed up for, really? I agree at least you got a shower in. It is 8pm at night when I am thinking...hmmm did I shower today?
Have a blessed Christmas.