A tower of treats that just makes me cheer!
I am a girl raised on mail-order shopping. Catalogs are to be dog-eared, drooled over, perused many times in search of the perfect gift for friends and family scattered hither and yon. Lucky for me, I married a man who shares my fettish, er, affection for catalogs, particularly the Harry and David catalog that arrives approximately 17 times in our mailbox each December.
We never dreamed someone would bestow upon us a Tower of Treats. Oh, we've been blessed with Harry and David pears almost every year. Occasionally a box of chocolates comes our way. But this is a whole 'nother realm. I have exercised much restraint in not devouring the whole container of moose munch all by myself. It is, after all, from Steve's work and he should have equal opportunity to consume mass quantities of empty calories.
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