Saturday, December 15, 2007

Trauma 'n Drama

It was a brother-to-brother collision this morning. Andy's face met the Pergo at a very high rate of speed. Bleeding. Lots and lots of bleeding. Now, I am an educated woman in the field of first aid and injury response. When other people's children bleed I think it is way cool.

It's a whole different story when it's my own.

Andy was screaming like crazy and did I mention there was a lot of blood?

I handed him to Steve and raced to the phone. My first call was to a mother of 3 boys who also happens to work as a dental hygenist. I knew she could be the voice of reason, since I was freaking out. She gave me the scoop: firm pressure and apply ice. By the way, mouth injuries heal very quickly.
Andy stopped screaming, pushed the ice away, chugged a bottle and he was good to go.

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