Our first family camping experience goes down in history as nearly successful. It depends how one defines success, I suppose. We stayed in our delightful little yurt, explored the surroundings, touched our feet on west coast sand...then drove home a day early while we were still relatively sane. Steve did an excellent job planning and shopping, preparing the food (we had french toast and bacon!). But one cannot prepare for the whims of a 3 year old. Furthermore, a 9 month old can only function for so long in strange territory before he slowly dissolves into a pathetic, tearful state. I think he cried more than half way home, poor little guy. His misery is cleverly disguised with a chipper little grin in most of the photos...so sneaky, this baby of ours.
This is a yurt, for all of you ignorant in the ways of west coast campers. Call us wimpy, call us cheaters, but we were fifty billion times warmer than the guys down the road in their rain-soaked tent. We had heat, futons and even laminate flooring!

Here's our youngest camper. Who knew a water bottle could provide so much entertainment? For those in the blogosphere who aren't in the midst of the preschool years, that's a Bumbo chair he's sitting in. No, it doesn't come with the yurt. It was a gift from my sister and family. It's a perfect little portable chair for babies and we just love it.

Luke was a superstar rookie camper. He slept in a strange bed, ventured out onto the beach and had a good time exploring the campsite. A little quality time with the portable DVD player worked it's magic, as well.
For those of you who live in close proximity, the campsite was Grayland Beach State Park in Westport, Washington. A popular destination, so book now for next summer!
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