Just when we were ready to give up, he leaped from his chair and began singing. Loudly. At the top of his lungs. Then he would shake his head and sit right back down. He had to go to the bathroom at one point, so we took him and tried giving him a little pep talk. He would have none of it. He informed us he would only be singing the songs he knew. Alrighty then.
Andy, meanwhile, kept himself amused by pulling all of the hymnals and Bibles out of the pockets and stacking them on the chair. Interesting.
Luke, as you can see by the photo, did not seem traumatized by his evening on stage and was back to his normal self the next morning. He eventually told me he didn't like all the cameras and the people looking at him, that's why he didn't sing. I suppose we can predict that a career in the spotlight will not be his thing.

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