The best part of this photo is the expression on his face. He wants so badly to have one of his Lego creations published in Lego magazine. He loves to look at the magazine each month and see what the other kids have built. He made this train the other morning and spent most of his free time driving it around the house and creating imaginary events. So precious. And very serious.

Every year, about this time, someone who lives here decides to tackle a yard improvement project. Long about August, it becomes a crapshoot to see if all the effort was worth it: emerald green lawny goodness or dry, dead crunchy stuff. One never knows what you are going to get around here. Anywho, last weekend was the first installment of 2009's lawn makeover. Thank goodness for the little boys and their lawn mowers or Steve might still be out there slaving away.

I have noticed that little boys mimic almost everything they see and hear. Sometimes that can be very, very funny or terribly embarrassing. In this case, it brought a smile to my face. Luke even mastered the full body crank-the-lawn-mower pose: pulling his imaginary lawn mower starter cord a couple of times to fire up his bubble mower. Even the neighbors saw him and laughed. What a hoot.
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