Our cousins, with the assistance of Papa, passed along a sandbox. Even though we had snow on the ground when we awoke today, we decided it was a great day to get the project going. The snow melted/rained away and we were able to get to work right after church. Steve purchased twenty 50 pound bags of play sand yesterday. I couldn't believe we needed 1,000 pounds of sand to fill that box. Thanks to our radio flyer wagon (great idea, grandma!) and the help of a neighbor and his wagon, we were able to shuttle the sandbags down the hill and empty them out into the box. The boys were very excited. Luke likes to be a helper and he was thrilled to be involved in a 'family project', as he calls it. They started playing right away, digging and scooping, fighting over who could use the biggest dump truck. It warmed up before dinner and actually started to feel like spring outside. They went back out for another round of digging and scooping. I think this might be a keeper.
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