How did that happen? It feels like we just brought him home last week. We celebrated his birthday with cousins, auntie, uncle, grandparents and great grammie this afternoon. He wanted a desert racer cake, like Andy had last year. Grandma complied and delivered a yummy cake, complete with hot wheels cars on top. That child has a memory like an elephant. I could not figure out what he was talking about. What's a desert racer cake? Apparently one of the hot wheels cars on Andy's cake last September was called a desert racer. Who can recall such detail? Luke can.
It continues to pour buckets of rain around here, so we had to entertain the cherubs indoors. This involved much weeping and gnashing of teeth on Andy's part. He decided to skip his nap in favor of celebrating his brother's birthday. Luke was kind enough to share his new Wii Nascar game with the cousins. A good time was had by all.

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