Enter stage left: Luke, wide awake and eager to discuss what's on his mind
Luke: Mama, I have bad news for you...
(this is always an interesting way to start one's day)
Me: ugh
Luke: Mama, I have a BRUISE. Look, I'll show you (pulls up pant leg to reveal teeny, tiny bruise) I got it last night when I was playing with daddy.
Me: that's too bad
Luke: I know who can fix it. I know this one. It's God and Jesus. Can you please pray and ask them to make it better. I don't know how to do that, yet.
So pleased that he's been paying attention to someone's instruction regarding prayer, I try to wake up enough to pray something coherent.
Me: Dear Lord, please make Luke's knee feel better soon. Amen. That should cover it.
Thousand one, thousand two...
I considered launching into a long explanation about how God doesn't always answer prayer in the way we expect, that He is operates on His timing not ours, we can pray about anything that's on our minds...then I remembered two very important points: one, I was not yet fully caffeinated and could not possibly possess the patience for such a discussion. Secondly, he's almost five years old and in the time it took me to begin formulating a response, he had already dashed into the next room to see what his dad was up to. That's the wonderful thing about almost-five year olds, sometimes their short attention span works in the adult's favor. Ah, parenthood. Isn't it lovely?

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