"Watch this, Mom! Look me! Watch! Watch!" That's the theme at our house these days. I'm always interested to see what they are up to. This tower of cups is a funny story. Luke came home from school last week and told me he had learned about stacking cups in PE. I vaguely recalled a story about the world's fastest 5 year old cup stacker on You Tube but didn't really think it was the same thing. So he slowly and deliberately got out
all of our colorful cups and began building a pyramid on the kitchen counter. Suddenly my life flashed before my eyes and I saw myself sitting in a gymnasium for hours on end, watching kids stack cups like maniacs. Yawn. On the other hand, aren't gymnasiums warm and dry? Free from the unpleasant elements of rain, wind, sleet and hail? With this epiphany in mind, I nearly jumped in my mini van and raced to accumulate all the necessary supplies to become proficient in 'speed stacking'. But, alas, the novelty wore off by dinner and he didn't mention it again. Andy, on the other hand, patiently waited for Luke to leave for school the next day, then climbed up on the counter, asked for the cups and wanted to build a pyramid. Hence, the photo with the proud smile.

If not a speedy stacker of cups, perhaps a rabbi? Just kidding. This was the trick of the day.

Six months and one week of Eli. Doesn't this smile just melt your heart? He's going to get away with A LOT of mischief. I can just see it coming.

Meanwhile, Jake has managed to survive the arrival of a third boy. He even gives him affectionate licks from time to time. Eli is captivated by this large, fury, jingle jangle that wanders around from time to time.
The biggest highlight of the week, of which there aren't any photos because he wouldn't have had time to take them...Steve took the boys to our annual community celebration: Maple Valley Days. They left at 8:30am to get a "spot" for the parade and I didn't see them again until close to 4 in the afternoon. They had a blast. Steve deserves a medal.
Summer officially starts for us on Tuesday at 11:56am when Luke kisses Kindergarten good-bye. Yikes!
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