Finally! A sunny day on the t-ball field. Most practices were cancelled in April due to all the rain. Andy detests practice; he whines and complains the entire time. But, come Saturday morning he seems to enjoy playing in the game. I sat right near third base yesterday and he paused to make a face at me. Every time he got to third base, he would ask me if he was done and where was the mommy with the snacks. He cracks me up.

Steve took the boys camping on Saturday night at a near by state park. Oh, they love it. As soon as he announced where they were going, there was much leaping and dancing with delight. They kept squealing about "fire" and staying in the yurt. (It's an enclosed, heated structure that resembles a teepee). Apparently these millipedes were quite fascinating. They befriended another family with young boys who were camping near by. Luke's only complaint was that they didn't stay longer. Eli and I stayed at home this time, but maybe we'll catch the next camping adventure.

We all gathered at Grandma and Papa's for Mother's day lunch. The weather was beautiful, the kiddos were well-behaved. The cousins sure enjoy one another's company. They rode the riding mower, took turns shooting at cans with the BB gun and helped Papa plant a few things in the garden. What a fantastic day. We are so blessed to have such fantastic children in our lives.
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