Luke and Andy have decided that perhaps they are worthy of one another's company. Much yelling and chasing ensues as they invent little games to play together. At least they are having fun. God sure has a sense of humor: I don't like loud noise, chaos or dirt. So he sent me all boys and boatloads of the 3 things I dislike the most. Ha, ha. It is funny to hear them laughing like little hienas. I know, I know...someday I'll have a clean, quiet house and I'll long for the preschool years again.

In an uncharacteristically mellow mood, Luke decided to hang out with Eli while he was waiting his turn in the tub tonight. Eli seems a little perturbed that we broke out the camera. He was probably hoping it was time for rice cereal and pureed pears.

This was yesterday, I think. Enjoying his first "meal" of rice cereal and Gerber bananas. He was so happy to see that spoon comin'. He kicked his feet with glee and opened right up. I had to switch to a booster seat today because he was bouncing so hard in this chair and making it nearly impossible to feed him.
I can't believe we've hit five months already. Yikes!