I need to teach them to say something else besides "cheese" when I take their picture.

Playing with the ducks in the water and making his motorcycle noises...because ducks and motorcycles make the same sound, you know.

This is Luke's favorite activity at the pumpkin patch: cranking the pump to make the ducks go.

We were celebrating a friend's 3rd birthday at the pumpkin patch. Luke loves to play with the birthday boy's older brothers. He wanted to spend his whole day in the hay maze and the corn box. If only I could find a way to install a giant box of corn in my play room...just think of the hours of endless entertainment.

Another huge fan of the corn box!
So we never got close to the actual pumpkin patch. By the time the birthday party was finished, it was pouring down rain and the tractor ride to the patch was totally packed. I piled the boys and their pockets full of corn back in the van and headed for the warmth of home.

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