Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkins, Tricks and Treats

Darth Vader, Buzz Lightyear and Luke Skywalker enjoying the Halloween festivities
He wasn't quite ready for carving yet, but he loves anything with a happy face on it. He carried the pumpkin around the house, giving it hugs and kisses.

I couldn't get anybody to cooperate for this picture. The boys were eager to see the finished product, but a little digusted by the messiness of the pumpkin's interior. That was probably the fastest Steve has ever carved a pumpkin in his life.
Halloween is not my favorite, but the boys enthusiasm is contagious. We were invited to our friend's for dinner and trick or treating. Andy woke up early on Saturday morning asking "is it time? Is it time?"
Finally it was time and the adults inhaled their delicious dinner while the kids chased each other through the house. The rain had finally stopped and it was a great night for wandering the neighborhood. At first, Andy came back with an empty bucket. But with a little coaching, he caught on very quickly. It wasn't long before his bucket was loaded with chocolate. He would come back from every door yelling, "Mama! I got some more! I got more candy!" He was always delighted to find out that we could go to yet another door and get MORE candy.
Luke enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, running with his friends and collecting candy. However, since we got home I don't think he's paid any attention to his loot. Meanwhile, Andy asks about every five minutes if he can have something from his pumpkin bucket. When we tell him "no", he says "I'm just going to look, okay?" Then proceeds to beg for more candy. He's going to make a fantastic adult one day: such persistence and passion is much more admirable in a grown up.

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