So much for my plan to blog more frequently. I can't quite figure out where the time goes. Some days it seems like it will never be nap time, then the next time I look up, it's 4:30 and I feel like I accomplished nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. I do keep 2 boys from strangling each other and occasionally I feed and clothe them. We celebrated Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary last Sunday. That was very exciting. The date kind of snuck up on us, so the sister and I pulled together a little impromptu event. We brought the food, they supplied the location. Unfortunately, it was quite chilly. We sat outside wrapped in blankets with our coffee cups while the kids ran around with Uncle Steve. I don't think they were cold, but I was freezing just watching them. Grammie came along, too, but she was not interested in sitting in the cold. At least it wasn't raining. I promised to take some pictures but didn't take a single one. Duh.
I realized today that Luke has less than a month of preschool left. Yikes! Next week we go over to the "big school" for kindergarten round-up. I'm nervous just thinking about it and we probably won't even do much. Maybe we'll get to ride the bus, that would be fun. I started scouring the internet for summer activities appropriate for an inquisitive 5 year old. How many soccer camps and vacation Bible schools can one kid take, I wonder?
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