Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just to Make Things Extra Fun...

...Luke decided to stick a little black plastic washer up his nose last night. Steve and I were just sitting down to a scrumptious dinner that a dear friend made for us. I'd been thinking about eating it all day. A little voice from the couch says, "there's something in my nose! There's something in my nose! It's a circle."
Are 'ya kiddin' me?
I didn't know whether to laugh or scream at him. I did neither. I actually crammed three more bites of pasta into my mouth and tried to formulate a complete thought. We were so tired from jumping through all the hoops of eye surgery and recovery. We called the eye surgeon and he recommended a trip to urgent care. I had visions of Luke sniffing it way into his sinus cavity and emergency surgery coming our way. Thankfully, the little washer slipped out of Luke's nostril after they sat at the urgent care for an hour.
Steve crawled into bed last night and said, "this is not a day I would care to live again."
Amen to that.


Alycia said...

Oh, that is a story I can relate to! I hope your little boy is feeling better! And, I love your new blog design!! Very cute!!


mommyknows said...

3 out 4 of my kids have done this. The worst was a peanut m&m. The candy coating finally melted, then the chocolate and it came out in the doctors office. Sheesh ... kids.

Julie Carroll said...

Seriously Heidi... Aaron and I LOVE reading your blog it adds definite comic relief to our dull lives, Thank you!! Your boys are growing up so fast and they are ADORABLE (although I am sure you would like to stuff them into a shoe box from time to time)!