Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rain, rain go away!

It continues to pour buckets around here. I'm so ready for spring. The real thing, not this pseudo-spring, rain-filled, frost on the window stuff we have right now. We are supposedly on spring break this week. That means we depart from our regularly scheduled activities and try to find ways to entertain ourselves indoors. Because, like I said, it won't stop raining. Luke managed to catch a cold, combined with a lovely fever that stops by every afternoon. Steve just got over that last weekend, so I suppose he passed it on. I have managed to stay healthy so far. However, a certain 4 year old continues to sneeze all over the place, so I am not optimistic. Andy, however, remains completely chipper and continues with his usual antics. He just cracks me up. He likes to wear sunglasses and pose for the camera. What a hoot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree. it is so wet here! part of our state is in a flood. not where i am thank goodness.