Dancing on the circles in the ground caused music to play out of the speakers and water to flow out of the instruments in the fountain. This was awesome. People of all ages would dance all over the place. You couldn't help yourself. I think I might have enjoyed this venue the most.

I kid you not-this is President Obama's inauguration made entirely out of legos. Right down to the outfits people were wearing (was it Aretha Franklin who wore that giant bow on her hat? She's there, although you probably can't see her in this shot). Amazing!

The New York City skyline, also made completely from Legos. They had numerous landmarks from around the world in this whole area known as miniland. I took tons of pictures.

We rode this ride for Andy's benefit: airplanes that move around in a circle and rapidly swoosh around corners. Both boys loved it. Since there wasn't a line waiting to get on, we could ride repeatedly. If the grown ups didn't get dizzy, I think the boys would have stayed on all day. Andy cried every time we made him get off and try something else.
In case you hadn't noticed, we recently visited a wonderful amusement park in the San Diego area. Although we were on a quest for sunshine, it wasn't exactly the most beautiful week, weather-wise. However, the boys were not deterred. We enjoyed the rides and the many, many creations built out of those incredible, verstile, fascinating, multi colored little nuggets of joy we call legos.
1 comment:
What?! Crazy enough we also just visited Legoland! We were in SanDiego for the week of February 6-13 and did Legoland on the 12. When were you there? It was cold when we were there too. We had 3 sunny 60 degree days and did Sea World, the Zoo and Legoland all in a row... exhausting! I just have not taken the time to blog about the fun... The fountain that you danced on the dots to make music was one of our favorite things and we left with no pictures so it was fun to see yours!
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