We had a minor lapse in good judgement and took BOTH boys to the Puyallup Fair over the weekend. Luke had a fabulous time..."more, more, more!" he said. Andy, on the other hand, should have stayed home. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth when he couldn't ride the rides that Luke was able to ride. He was permitted to ride the little race cars, then got so upset when the ride was over, that he ran around in circles, screaming. We let him get back in line and somehow he lost his balance and fell through the railing into the track. He was so terrified that he refused to get back in the little car. Thankfully, there was a small train that went around a portion of the fairgrounds. We rode that twice, just to appease Andy. His temper is a force to be wreckoned with. It's going to be an interesting life, that's for sure.

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