This is week 14 for Mr. Eli...his major achievements are frequent smiles and cooing to get someone's attention. It would be nice if he would work on his night time sleep-still waking up once or twice. We are definitely ready to put the newborn phase behind us.

Surprise. Another picture of Andy holding a car. He loves these automobloxs Aunt Holly and Uncle Stowe sent for Christmas. He takes them apart, mixes the pieces up and builds a hybrid. He also likes to take the rubber off the wheels and stuff them down the heater vent. I've spent more time than I would care to admit fishing little rubber circles out of the vents in the family room. Yesterday we went outside in the balmy 60 degree sunshine and found our neighbor and his 5 year old shoveling gravel out of his truck to make a dog run in his yard. He let Luke and Andy climb in the back and "help". Luke and the other little boy found other things to do, but Andy was in heaven. He got out the diggers and the dump trucks and moved the gravel all around the truck. I was going to take a picture, but I was a little embarrassed that he was still in his pajamas at 4pm.
Sorry, no picture of the eldest. He is presently shunning the camera and stressing out about St. Patrick's Day. I tried to tell him he's irish and he should just embrace it. He will have none of it. I think a little girl in his class told him she was going to pinch him. We explained numerous times that if you just wear green, no one will pinch you. He is not at all convinced. I'm probably going to have to bribe him to get him on the school bus tomorrow.