This is week 7 with the little mister. These jammies are just about the cutest thing ever. One of my grandmothers gave us these and I quickly slipped them on for his Sunday evening photo shoot. He is growing so fast, I'm afraid they won't fit very long. He doesn't have many interesting tricks yet: starting to coo and smile a little bit. He puts up with his brothers poking and prodding, getting in his face and making obnoxious noises. He really has no idea what he's in for once they figure out how to get their paws on him. Speaking of the brothers, they have developed a few skills this week. Luke started reading short little books this week, dazzling us with his literary talents. Very exciting! Meanwhile, Andy decided he might actually like to sit on the potty if it involved getting his parents' undivided attention. No significant achievements in that arena, but at least he didn't run screaming in the opposite direction. I just plunked down his preschool registration fee for the fall, so it looks like he might need to get with the potty training program.

1 comment:
Eli and Anne Newman have something in common - they both look good in monkey suits. Anne's monkey shirts usually say something about chocolate like "hands off my chocolate" ....
Hey to all.
THe Newmans
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