thought there would be much weeping and gnashing of teeth at this point...but he surprised me by getting right on the bus without hesitation. I think it helped tremendously that our neighbor, a first grader, took him by the hand and showed him exactly what to do.

Our friend offered to take our picture and she kept telling Luke, "whatever you do, don't smile"

I told him I needed a "first day of school" picture for my scrapbook. He thought that was a reasonable request, I guess and even decided to smile. These gynormous bus tags make me laugh. I suppose it keeps him from getting lost but it was totally annoying him and we moved it to the back of his shirt before we left the house.
It's funny how a day that once seemed so far away just sort of sneaks up on you. Heather sent her last kid to first grade today. She was home alone for the first time in 11.5 years. Wow!
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