We are trying to teach Luke about all of his cousins, not just the ones that live here in western WA. He is starting to grasp the concept, but it is a slow process. He measures distance in terms of how long he has to fly or ride to get there. For example, it takes at least 2 planes and a whole day to get to Grandma Betsy and Grandpa Don's house. In just a few weeks, we will spend two weeks at the beach with Grandma Betsy's extended family. Lots and lots of cousins... too many to count, as a matter of fact. It's always a tenative introduction among the smaller crowd. They stand silently and stare, sizing each other up. Eventually, one of them finds the courage to talk. By day 3, they are inseparable. Suddenly, it is time to say goodbye and there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I'm thinking of my own cousins this week, most of which reside in Colorado. Here we are, celebrating our Grammie's 90th birthday (almost 3 years ago). There's lots going on in the lives of these cousins: wedding plans, a college graduation, a new baby boy, recovery from a serious accident. This post is for you, cousins!
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