Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Post-Op Recovery

Today was a big day. The kind of day where you get to the end and you ask, "did this really happen?" After several months of patching, the doctor felt Luke's vision was 20/20 and we could proceed with surgery to correct the alignment issues. Steve and I overslept a smidge and didn't get up until 4:45. That's a.m., in case you wondering. Such slothfulness...the day's half over by 4:30. Anyway, we scooped Luke out of bed and trudged to the hospital in Bellevue. Let's give a shout out to all those crazy people actually commuting to their jobs at that hour of the day. Ick. Anywho, Luke was a great patient and went off to the OR with a big smile on his face. He even had the nurses giggling. The doctor was surprised to find that his original diagnosis was incorrect and rather than slicing a tendon and inserting a spacer, he just "adjusted" the muscles so Luke's eye will align properly. It isn't an exact science, so one has to hope that when the swelling goes away, his eyes will be "equally" aligned. The doctor was excellent and the whole experience was very positive. In fact, he just called me at home to check on Luke. Shocking.
Meanwhile, one among us is having a birthday today. The big Four-O. My parents kept Andy for us and Luke was sleeping soundly, so Steve was able to open his presents without any little helpers. Steve was a good sport about spending a portion of his birthday at the hospital. Some might see it beats working...

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