I'm posting this picture of Andy and Luke wrestling with their cousin, Ben. Although we took this picture more than a week ago, the wrestling has continued at home (minus the cousin, of course). It seems like Steve and I spent a majority of the last few days pulling the boys apart and doling out consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct, i.e. shots to the face. Thankfully there hasn't been any blood loss. Yet. I'm sure that's next.
Apart from mediating conflict every five minutes, we actually enjoyed a nice weekend. On Friday, I loaded 'em up bright and early and we went to Grandma and Papa's house. We enjoyed the water slide for a little while but the fun came to an abrupt halt due to...you guessed it, too much fighting. I think we were all relieved to get out of the heat, as it was another western Washington scorcher. Andy took a long nap and Luke and I hung out with Papa and watched some of our favorite shows on the Noggin channel. I was just about to pack it in when Grandma invited us to stay for an early dinner and watch the Mariners game.
Yesterday, Steve and I took the boys to the kids' festival at the park. Andy was thrilled to bounce in the inflatable fire station while Steve and Luke built a small, lightweight model airplane out of glue, paper and rubber bands. (That's a highly technical description, I know. Airplane expert I am not). It got a little too hot for the pregant girl, so we called it a day and went off to Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch.
Today we re-acquainted ourselves with church after being gone for a few weeks. It feels good to be back in our normal routine.