Well, we've had an interesting turn of events here at the Blankenship house. Luke has some issues with his eye and we saw a specialist this week. The big fancy words are: strabismus, amblyopia and Brown's Syndrome. It all boils down to some tightness in the structures around his eye, as well as some misalignment. He will wear a patch during his waking hours for three weeks straight and then have another evaluation. There is talk of surgery sometime in the future, I think it depends on the patch therapy. The good news is that he doesn't need glasses right now. We are just a few hours into wearing the patch and I have bribed him with all kinds of delicious treats. He wanted all of his blankets and his pillow, snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie. Then he told me, "I'm really sick, I need chocolate milk". Too funny!
In other news, Andy is 8 months old already and went for his first ride in the red wagon last night. He his having lots of fun staring at all the things in his great big world. Such a precious little fellow, if I do say so myself. He has a little walker that he can scoot around the kitchen with and he just squeals with delight. He already figured out how to scoot over to the sliding glass door and look outside.