Sunday, January 11, 2009

The prince and the firefighter

We are just plugging along here, lots of rain falling so we are getting creative indoors. Luke came home from preschool with this crown. He is in to making 'super hero' poses in front of the camera. I guess this is one of those poses. Andy is really into firefighting and fire trucks right now. He found Luke's rain boots that look like a firefighter's boots. He put them on and came to find me, just giggling with pride. He was quite pleased with himself. We thought he was so cute with the hat on, but he would hardly stand still for a picture. He kept running at the camera, so this is the best I could do.
Luke had his Christmas program for school on Friday night. It was re-scheduled from before Christmast because of the snow. Anyway, Luke was up on stage with his classmates and sitting down at the far end. Andy was sitting in the audience with us, not really aware of what was happening up front. He seemed more interested in his cars. Then he realized something was going on and he stood up in his chair to see. He spots his brother and yells, "There's Luke! Hi, Luke!" at the top of his lungs. Luke isn't really singing his part, anyway, so he smiles and waves back, shouting "hi, Andy!" This cycle repeats and I want to crawl under my chair. Eventually I popped his pacifier in his mouth, but he just took it out or else yelled around it. I was so glad the program was very short.

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